管理DB策略并不是一件容易的事. In attempt to deliver better returns, you need to be able to identify and seize opportunities that help to meet your long term funding requirements, 在应对可持续发展等挑战时, longevity, 利率波动和监管压力. -
Limiting plan risk exposure
Generally speaking, it is important that DB plans manage the risk of future underfunding and take steps to ensure member benefits are appropriately secure. 帮助管理这些不确定性, plan fiduciaries can usefully consider a range of solutions including investment strategy, hedging, risk transfer, offering member options, and arranging financial support.
Mercer Pension Risk Exchange
An online marketplace for organisations and trustees considering a bulk annuity transaction. The exchange provides direct access to up-to-date insurer pricing and shows the cost of an annuity transaction relative to scheme funding and accounting metrics. Contact us to find out more. -
Mercer Dynamic De-risking Solution
利用我们的风险管理和运营专业知识, 这个解决方案提供了一个框架来定义您的目标终局, along with a roadmap to get there. The roadmap helps you to react to market conditions and continue on the path to your desired outcome. Contact us to find out more. -
Implementation and OCIO
We can help you define, 通过处理治理等领域来开发和实施您的投资策略, risk, sustainability and diversification. 我们灵活的服务,以满足您的需求,并帮助您实现您的投资目标. -
Defined benefit (DB) dashboard
This is an interactive online tool that provides an overview of key statistics from all your defined benefit plans globally, including investment strategy, funding position, 预计现金流量和风险价值. 可以自定义它以深入到不同级别的计划信息, 并允许用户评估“假设”场景. Contact us to find out more. -
Sustainable investments
我们帮助您建立一个可持续的投资战略,将环境保护与可持续发展相结合, social and governance (ESG) considerations; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) factors and seeks an optimal mix between positive change and favourable returns. -
Asset manager research
By subscribing to MercerInsight®, an alliance with eVestment, you can gain access to data, analytics and our forward-looking research on asset managers and thousands of investment strategies across both public and private markets.
Introducing some of our team
Contact a pension specialist today
1 ESG投资指的是环境, social, and governance considerations that may have a material impact on financial performance, and therefore are taken into account, 以及其他经济和金融指标, 评估一项投资的风险和回报潜力. 主题投资涉及有目标的投资, at least in part, 达到对环境的影响, social, or governance issue, 同时产生回报和降低风险. As always, 决定是否投资于esg主题的期权, like all options, must be made pursuant to a prudent process with the objective of advancing the financial interest of the plan and its participants.
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